Vanaf dag 1 tot en met heden is er één constante factor geweest in de Star Wars Saga: Anthony Daniels, die in 9 sagafilms, 1 spin-off film en 4 animatiereeksen de rol van protocol droid C-3PO vertolkte.
Je zou kunnen zeggen dat als er één acteur is die mooie verhalen over Star Wars kan vertellen hij dat is (iets wat ik overigens als tweevoudig assistent van hem kan bevestigen). In november zullen we diverse van deze verhalen kunnen lezen in zijn biografie: I Am C-3PO: The Inside Story.
Hieronder het persbericht van dit boek dat op Celebration officieel werd bekendgemaakt:
“Did you hear that? They’ve shut down the main reactor! We’ll be destroyed for sure. This is madness.”
These words were the very first to be spoken in any Star Wars movie, and they were spoken by a droid: C-3PO. With his gleaming golden body and good-intentioned (yet worrisome) personality, C-3PO was there at the very beginning. Of course, C-3PO wasn’t actually a robot, or some amazing early animatronic creation – he was actually a man named Anthony Daniels.
Now, for the very first time, Anthony Daniels will tell C-3PO’s story in its entirety, from seeing the first concept images to the early stages of the final film in the Skywalker saga, Star Wars: Episode IX, and in the process, will also tell his own. This includes his encounters with movie legends such as Sir Alec Guinness, what it was like working closely with George Lucas, and the friendships he formed with Mark Hamill, Harrison Ford, Carrie Fisher, and others. But being encased in a solid shell for countless hours also involved hardships, pain, and in some cases real physical danger.
In I am C-3PO: The Inside Story, Daniels candidly relays his humorous, unvarnished, and extraordinary story as the man inside the machine, providing fresh new insights for even the most die-hard of Star Wars fans.