Het klinkt nog steeds raar maar het is echt zo: over 5 maanden zal er alweer een nieuwe Star Wars film in de bioscopen verschijnen.
25 mei (voor Nederland vermoedelijk 23 mei) is de dag dat de vierde Star Wars live action spin-off film Solo: A Star Wars Story, in première gaat.
Een van de bekendere acteurs in deze film is Paul Bettany (The Da Vinci Code, A Knight’s Tale). Tegenover het blad TotalFilm deed hij enkele interessante uitspraken over Solo! Allereerst de toon en genre van de film:
“It’s Han Solo’s story, and of course his story would be a caper. On one level it’s a gangster movie. That’s really interesting, because it’s within the canon but really different. It’s fucking Han Solo!”
Vervolgens zei hij dit over zijn rol in de film:
“Suddenly, I’m an intergalactic gangster and I’m walking down some stairs and an R2 unit goes by with some champagne, and I’m like… [drops jaw] I had that feeling that I hadn’t had since I was first on a film set – I was a little boy doing the best job in the world.”
Over regisseur Ron Howard had hij tenslotte dit te zeggen:
“His staging ability is so f***ing brilliant, I think he went in and he was like a laser, working out what needed to be done when he looked at the footage. And then, as things moved on, everybody felt so secure with him. And they gave him more. He reshot a lot more than was originally intended.”