In mei zal Solo: A Star Wars Story verschijnen met daarin Woody Harrelson als Beckett; de mentor van Han. Blijkbaar was niet alleen deze ex-barman van Cheers in de running voor deze rol maar werd ook Batman himself overwogen: Christian Bale.
Volgens de Welshe acteur is er met hem gesproken en kunnen we uit zijn woorden opmaken dat hij hoopt in de toekomst alsnog in een Star Wars film te mogen acteren:
“Yes, [it was] very tempting. I not only love the films going back to my childhood but also have a very long relationship with Kathleen Kennedy and Frank Marshall because they did Empire of the Sun many years back. There was discussion, [and] I hope there will be future discussions.”
“Star Wars I’m a huge fan. Yeah Star Wars really interests me. I’ve still got the Millennium Falcon, I’ve got the AT-AT. My daughter, her first love was Darth Vader. She absolutely adored Darth Maul. [She] stood near him at Disneyland and he growled and he’s got those teeth and he stayed in character, really wonderful performance, and she was teeny and I thought, ‘This is gonna scare the crap out of her, this is such a bad idea.’ And then she stopped and she said, ‘Daddy, I’m in love.’”