Twee jaar geleden maakten we al melding van het gerucht dat Stephen Daldry een Obi-Wan Kenobi film zou regisseren.
Gisteren kwam het ‘Told you so’ moment toen scriptschrijver Hossein Amini dit gerucht bevestigde. Tegen Discussingfilm zei hij:
“I was initially contacted by the original director for the film version, Stephen Daldry and chatted with him. It was more of a conversation than a pitch, I am incredibly gracious about it. They didn’t make it feel like an audition.”
“There is so much going on between episode 3 and 4 that hasn’t been explored. The idea of being able to go into a character journey plus the politics and plus all the vastness of the Empire and what’s going on is exciting. Just because it feels like a proper period of history and sometimes that is hard to do in two hours.”
Verder gaf Amini (die ook voor de aangekondigde Kenobi TV serie gaat schrijven) aan dat de opnames in juli 2020 van start gaan:
“The plan is to start shooting in July. I think he (Ewan McGregor) already said that it spans the period between Episodes III and IV. So sort of after the fall of the Republic and the massacre of the Jedi before the events of Star Wars: A New Hope.
It’s fascinating in the sense that it’s a period where there is a lot of change in the galaxy and a lot of hardship.”
Naar verwachting zal de serie in 2021 exclusief op Disney+ te zien zijn.