Anthony Daniels uit teleurstelling over beperkte rol tot nu toe

Nadat eerder Tim ‘Ackbar’ Rose, George Lucas en Mark Hamill al aangaven teleurgesteld te zijn over de sequel trilogie is het nu Anthony ‘C-3PO’ Daniels die zijn teleurstelling uit én aangeeft de fans te begrijpen. In een interview met Express Online zei hij het volgende:

“Well, yes. I do understand why the fans are unhappy… It speaks to a devotion that they care so much that they mind if someone messes with it. I understand people being critical of the films.”

Over de kritiek van Mark Hamill op de films en zijn eigen rol daarin had hij dit te melden:

“I know it has been particularly difficult for him (Hamill) lately because the new movies haven’t given him much to do. I certainly recognise that and can relate to it.

“In these new movies, I have felt like a table decoration. And that is difficult because I recognise this character (C-3PO) is worth so much more. But I understand it is a whole film, not a feature about C-3PO.”

“That is just my personal disappointment. I get paid whether or not he does anything but it would be nice for him to have a purpose.”

Over The Rise of Skywalker tenslotte:

“C-3PO has a major arc. I am very satisfied with what I had to do in this movie and I am very satisfied with everything I know about this movie.”

“…from everything I have seen so far, it is really rather good

Overmorgen verschijnt Daniels’ biografie getiteld I Am C-3PO: The Inside Story waarin hij ongetwijfeld de nodige anecdotes zal delen.


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