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Reign of the Empire: The Mask of Fear

Auteur: Alexander Freed Cover artist: Marko Manev Publicatiedatum: 25 februari 2025 Uitgever: Del Rey / Random House Worlds Soort boek: Roman Uitgeversbeschrijving: Before the Rebellion, the Empire reigns, in book one of a trilogy told through the eyes of Mon Mothma, Bail Organa, and Saw Gerrera. "In order to ensure the security and continuing stability, the Republic will be reorganized into the first Galactic Empire! For a safe and secure society!" With one speech, and thunderous applause, Chancellor Palpatine brought […]

The High Republic: The Lightsaber Collection

Auteur: Daniel Wallace Publicatiedatum: 25 februari 2025 Uitgever: Insight Editions Soort boek: Naslagwerk Uitgeversbeschrijving: Discover more than 50 lightsabers from the golden age of the Jedi with this essential guide to the elegant weapons from Star Wars: The High Republic. A follow-up to the bestselling Star Wars: The Lightsaber Collection, this exciting volume is a photo-real exploration of High Republic hilts, including several designs that are illustrated for the first time. A must-have resource for fans, this reference book is […]

Star Wars: Complete Locations, New Edition

Auteur: - Publicatiedatum: 11 maart 2025 Uitgever: DK Soort boek: Naslagwerk Uitgeversbeschrijving: Explore the worlds of a galaxy far, far away with incredible cross-sections. With more than 60 intricate full-color artworks and 3D maps, explore iconic locations that bring the Star Wars saga to life. This updated edition has been comprehensively updated and includes incredible cross-sections from Star Wars: The Last Jedi, Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker, Rogue One: A Star Wars Story, Solo: A Star Wars Story, Star […]

The High Republic: Into the Light

Auteur: Claudia Gray Cover artist: Publicatiedatum: 1 april 2025 Uitgever: Disney-Lucasfilm Press Soort boek: Young Adult Roman Uitgeversbeschrijving: The New York Times best-selling series is coming to an epic conclusion—witness the beginning of the end! As several crises all hurtle toward their thrilling and shocking conclusions, fan-favorite Jedi Knights and Padawans must band together to save the galaxy from the Nihil, the Nameless, and perhaps worst of all, a mysterious blight that turns everything in its path to dust and […]

Women of the Galaxy: Updated and Expanded

Auteur: Amy Ratcliffe Illustraties: Aka Alice X. Zhang Amy Beth Christenson Publicatiedatum: 29 april 2025 Uitgever: Chronicle Books Soort boek: Naslagwerk Uitgeversbeschrijving: Now in paperback, fully revised and updated with characters from Disney+ shows including The Mandalorian, Ahsoka, and The Acolyte, as well as The High Republic, Jedi:Fallen Order, and more, this is the essential celebration of the powerful female characters of Star Wars. They are heroes and villains, Sith and Jedi, senators and scoundrels, mothers, mercenaries, artists, and pilots. […]

The High Republic: A Valiant Vow

Auteur: Justina Ireland Cover artist: Publicatiedatum: 6 mei 2025 Uitgever: Disney-Lucasfilm Press Soort boek: Middle Grade Roman Uitgeversbeschrijving: The New York Times best-selling series comes to an epic conclusion in this final installment of this wave of High Republic storytelling. It's all been leading to this! Fan-favorite Padawans and younglings must team-up to stop the seemingly unstoppable blight all while dealing with technological terrors in the form of crab-like scav droids that destroy everything in their path!

The Acolyte: Wayseeker

Auteur: Justina Ireland Publicatiedatum: 6 mei 2025 Uitgever: Del Rey / Random House Worlds Soort boek: Roman Uitgeversbeschrijving: Before The Acolyte, Vernestra Rwoh must find her place in the Jedi Order. Vernestra Rwoh has spent over a decade exploring the Outer Rim as a Wayseeker, answering to no other authority but the Force itself. When a request from the Jedi Council orders her back to Coruscant, Vernestra initially refuses, feeling that her first priority should be to the beings she's […]

The High Republic: Tempest Breaker (Script)

Auteur: Cavan Scott Cover artist: Publicatiedatum: 13 mei 2025 Uitgever: Random House Worlds Soort boek: Script boek Uitgeversbeschrijving: The Jedi reluctantly team up with the nefarious Lourna Dee in this full script for the Star Wars the High Republic audiobook original, Tempest Breaker. A High Republic adventure featuring former Nihil turned mercenary for hire, Lourna Dee, teaming up with the Jedi.

Rogue Planet (The Essential Legends Collection)

Auteur: Greg Bear Cover artist: Publicatiedatum: 3 juni 2025 Uitgever: Random House Worlds Soort boek: Roman Uitgeversbeschrijving: You've seen the movie The Phantom Menace. You've read the #1 New York Times bestselling book based on George Lucas's masterpiece. Now, before the eagerly awaited release of Episode II, comes a stunning new Star Wars novel from one of science fiction's greatest talents, a writer universally acclaimed for his keen grasp of cutting-edge science and the brilliance of his page-turning plots: multiple […]

Shadows of the Empire (The Essential Legends Collection)

Auteur: Steve Perry Cover artist: Publicatiedatum: 3 juni 2025 Uitgever: Random House Worlds Soort boek: Roman Uitgeversbeschrijving: His name is Xizor, Underlord of a galaxywide criminal organization called Black Sun. He seeks to displace Darth Vader as Emperor Palpatine's right hand. To do so, he will hatch a brilliantly evil plan to discredit Vader in the Emperor's eyes. But in the meantime he will join the Dark Lord in an unholy alliance whose common target is the young Rebel hero, […]

Star Wars Life Size

Auteur: - Publicatiedatum: 10 juni 2025 Uitgever: DK Soort boek: Naslagwerk Uitgeversbeschrijving: Have you ever wondered how big a Wookiee is? Or how long a Wampa’s claws are? Could you hold Yoda's lightsaber in your hand, or face down Darth Vader? And are baby Porgs really as cute as they look? Discover the actual size of these and other surprising characters, creatures, droids and objects from the Star Wars galaxy.

The Art of Star Wars: The High Republic Volume II

Auteurs: Kristin Baver Cover artist: Publicatiedatum: 17 juni 2025 Uitgever: Abrams Books Soort boek: Naslagwerk Uitgeversbeschrijving: Featuring exclusive concept art, character and costume sketches, and vehicle and creature designs by Lucasfilm Publishing and its partners, this official companion to Star Wars: The High Republic (Phases II and III) offers fans a definitive, behind-the-scenes look at the continuing adventures within this ambitious era of Star Wars storytelling The Art of Star Wars: The High Republic (Volume II) takes fans behind the […]

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