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Star Wars: Vader’s Castle – The Deluxe Library Collection

8 oktober 2024

Vader's Castle – The Deluxe Library Collection (HC)
Auteur: Cavan Scott
Cover Artist: Francesco Francavilla
Publicatiedatum: 8 oktober 2024
Uitgever: Dark Horse
Soort uitgave: Hardcover
Verzamelt: Star Wars Adventures: Tales from Vader’s Castle (2018) #1-5
Star Wars Adventures: Return to Vader’s Castle (2019) #1-5
Star Wars Adventures: Shadow of Vader’s Castle (2020)
Star Wars Adventures: Ghosts of Vader’s Castle (2021) #1-5
Star Wars Adventures Free Comic Book Day (2019)


Horror comes to a galaxy far, far away! The complete stories of the iconic villain’s spooky lair are collected in an oversized hardcover for the first time, including creepy new cover art and the only reprinting of Shadow of Vader’s Castle.

Revisit the scariest place in the galaxy with this comprehensive collection!

Exhumed from the lava mines of Mustafar comes the complete legends of Darth Vader’s castle: a shadowy tower haunted by the dark side. Join Rebel Commander Lina Graff, Lieutenant Hudd, and their friends as they sneak through the citadel’s dank corridors in search of escape. Along the way they trade terrifying tales of Obi-Wan, Han, Chewie, the Ewoks, and other galactic heroes facing off against interstellar creeps: menacing Sith, soulless stormtroopers, possessed droids, alien witches, mutant monsters, and more!When Hudd falls into the clutches of Vanee, the castle’s creepy caretaker, he is treated to further spine-chilling stories of the galaxy’s most vile villains, including Darth Maul, Assajj Ventress, Jabba the Hutt, and Vader himself! Even after the band of rebels flee the fortress, they are pursued by nightmares of rampaging were-Wookiees, Dagobah swamp monsters, and other ghouls!

And for the first time, the Shadow of Vader’s Castle one-shot is collected here, in which the Mustafarian locals share their own hair-raising legends about the villainous stronghold.

Are you brave enough to set foot in the Sith Lord’s fortress of fear?

Hardcover (


8 oktober 2024
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