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Hele dag

Imperial Commando: 501st (The Essential Legends Collection)

Auteur: Karen Traviss Cover artist: Publicatiedatum: 4 juni 2024 Uitgever: Random House Worlds Soort boek: Roman Uitgeversbeschrijving: The Clone Wars are over, but for those with reason to run from the new Galactic Empire, the battle to survive has only just begun…. The Jedi have been decimated in the Great Purge, and the Republic has fallen. Now the former Republic Commandos -- the galaxy's finest special forces troops, cloned from Jango Fett -- find themselves on opposing sides and in […]

The Lando Calrissian Adventures (The Essential Legends Collection)

Auteur: L. Neil Smith Cover artist: Publicatiedatum: 4 juni 2024 Uitgever: Random House Worlds Soort boek: Roman Uitgeversbeschrijving: The Lando Calrissian Adventures is a compilation of the series of the same name by L. Neil Smith. It details the experiences of Lando Calrissian as captain of the Millennium Falcon before he lost it to Han Solo. Lando is accompanied by his droid co-pilot, Vuffi Raa, and opposed by Rokur Gepta (part of a mystic order called the Sorcerers of Tund). […]

X-Wing: Iron Fist (The Essential Legends Collection)

Auteur: Aaron Alston Cover artist: Publicatiedatum: 4 juni 2024 Uitgever: Random House Worlds Soort boek: Roman Uitgeversbeschrijving: Against all odds, the controversial Wraith Squadron has survived its first covert mission. But now they are called upon to cheat death twice. This time Wedge Antilles sends them in to stop the warlord Zsinj and his Super Star Destroyer, Iron Fist. If Zsinj joins the Empire, it could turn the tide of war against the Rebels. The Wraith Squadron's mission: infiltrate the […]

Boeken Alle reguliere leesboeken.
Naslagwerken Alle overige boeken.
Comics Alle losse nummers van de lopende stripreeksen.
Verzamel comics Grotere/verzamel uitgaves zoals trade paperbacks, manga’s, graphic novels etc.
Games Premièredata van Star Wars games.
Films Premièredata van Star Wars films.
Disney+ series Premièredata van afleveringen van Star Wars Disney+ series.
Podcast Data waarop de Nederlandstalige Star Wars podcast live wordt opgenomen.
Evenementen Star Wars gerelateerde evenementen zoals Comic Cons.
Overig Overige belangrijke Star Wars gerelateerde data.
Star Wars Awakens
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