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Ahsoka #8

Auteur: Rodney Barnes Art: Georges Jeanty Cover artist: David Nakayama Publicatiedatum: 19 februari 2025 Uitgever: Marvel Comics

Reign of the Empire: The Mask of Fear

Auteur: Alexander Freed Cover artist: Marko Manev Publicatiedatum: 25 februari 2025 Uitgever: Del Rey / Random House Worlds Soort boek: Roman Uitgeversbeschrijving: Before the Rebellion, the Empire reigns, in book one of a trilogy told through the eyes of Mon Mothma, Bail Organa, and Saw Gerrera. "In order to ensure the security and continuing stability, the Republic will be reorganized into the first Galactic Empire! For a safe and secure society!" With one speech, and thunderous applause, Chancellor Palpatine brought […]

The High Republic: The Lightsaber Collection

Auteur: Daniel Wallace Publicatiedatum: 25 februari 2025 Uitgever: Insight Editions Soort boek: Naslagwerk Uitgeversbeschrijving: Discover more than 50 lightsabers from the golden age of the Jedi with this essential guide to the elegant weapons from Star Wars: The High Republic. A follow-up to the bestselling Star Wars: The Lightsaber Collection, this exciting volume is a photo-real exploration of High Republic hilts, including several designs that are illustrated for the first time. A must-have resource for fans, this reference book is […]

Hyperspace Stories: Qui-Gon

Auteur: George Mann Art: Andrea Mutti Cover artist: Michael Cho Publicatiedatum: 4 maart 2025 Uitgever: Dark Horse Comics  

Jedi Knights (2025) #01

Auteur: Marc Guggenheim Art: Madibek Musabekov Luis Guerrero Cover artist: Rahzzah Publicatiedatum: 5 maart 2025 Uitgever: Marvel Comics Uitgeversbeschrijving:    

Star Wars: Complete Locations, New Edition

Auteur: - Publicatiedatum: 11 maart 2025 Uitgever: DK Soort boek: Naslagwerk Uitgeversbeschrijving: Explore the worlds of a galaxy far, far away with incredible cross-sections. With more than 60 intricate full-color artworks and 3D maps, explore iconic locations that bring the Star Wars saga to life. This updated edition has been comprehensively updated and includes incredible cross-sections from Star Wars: The Last Jedi, Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker, Rogue One: A Star Wars Story, Solo: A Star Wars Story, Star […]

Legacy of Vader (2025) #02

Auteur: Charles Soule Art: Luke Ross Nolan Woodard Cover artist: Derrick Chew Publicatiedatum: 12 maart 2025 Uitgever: Marvel Comics  

The High Republic Adventures (2023) #16

Auteur: Daniel José Older Art: Toni Bruno Michael Atiyeh Cover artist: Harvey Tolibao Kevin Tolibao Publicatiedatum: 19 maart 2025 Uitgever: Dark Horse Comics  

Star Wars – Inquisitors (TPB)

Auteur: Rodney Barnes Cover Artist: Nick Bradshaw Publicatiedatum: 25 maart 2025 Uitgever: Marvel Comics Soort uitgave: Trade Paperback Verzamelt: Star Wars: Inquisitors #1-4 Uitgeversbeschrijving: Darth Vader leads a team of ruthless Dark Jedi known as the Inquisitors - and they scour the galaxy on the hunt for Jedi knights! Weapons of the Emperor sent out into the galaxy to track down and kill any Jedi who survived Order 66, the ruthless Inquisitors are among the most skilled and deadly threats […]

Hyperspace Stories: The Bad Batch: Ghost Agents #2

Auteur: Michael Moreci Art: Reese Hannigan Elisabetta D'Amico Michael Atiyeh Cover artist: Valeria "Lux" Favoccia Publicatiedatum: 26 maart 2025 Uitgever: Dark Horse Comics The Bad Batch race bounty hunter Embo to recover stolen intelligence that could compromise Republic spies everywhere! Their mission brings them face-to-face with the nefarious Pyke Syndicate, a notorious gang of spice smugglers that poses a serious threat to the clones. Will the Bad Batch escape with their lives before Embo flees with the intel? The Republic […]

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